I'm writing in the final hours of Christmas. Hope you've had a wonderful Season!
At our apartment complex for performing artists we get to use a room for performances, and I asked if I could perform Views of the Manger, the one-man play I performed in Cuba a couple of weeks ago, followed by some short films we shot while we were there. They said we couldn't do it during December, but there were plenty of dates in January. I figured no one would want to see a Christmas play in January, but then we realized it was a perfect fit for Epiphany, the celebration of the Wise Men visiting the Lord, especially since the narrator of the play is one of those Magi.
We couldn't have been more pleased with how things went last night (the available date was Epiphany Eve). We had a good turn-out, a great response, wonderful follow-up conversations, and the huge bonus of having someone in the audience we'd crossed paths with in Cuba! He joined us for our Q and A at the end, and he gave more details about one of the stories I told in one of the short films, and he was able to share much more about Cuba, having visited many more times than us.
Top photo: Ivy Schexnayder
Views of the Manger photo: Nancy Kronemann Buchanan
At our apartment complex for performing artists we get to use a room for performances, and I asked if I could perform Views of the Manger, the one-man play I performed in Cuba a couple of weeks ago, followed by some short films we shot while we were there. They said we couldn't do it during December, but there were plenty of dates in January. I figured no one would want to see a Christmas play in January, but then we realized it was a perfect fit for Epiphany, the celebration of the Wise Men visiting the Lord, especially since the narrator of the play is one of those Magi.
Proof Rich married an angel! |
In Cuba Joyce spoke of how Jeremiah's encouragement was to the exiles in Babylon, and how Daniel would have been one of the recipients. Daniel saved the magi by interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, so they were able to read the Hebrew Scriptures and, generations later, recognize the Star of Bethlehem for what it was: The birth announcement for the King of Kings.
You can find out more about the trip and hear the message Joyce got to bring to Cuba at www.RichDrama.com/Cuba.
As soon as we got back from Cuba I switched gears to perform in and serve as a NYC producer on the upcoming film The Farmer and the Belle, the seventh film project I worked on this year. Two of those are the short films about Cuba we're now editing, one is unannounced, and the others were A Matter of Perspective, Felicia's Pledge and One Day.
You can find out more about the trip and hear the message Joyce got to bring to Cuba at www.RichDrama.com/Cuba.
As soon as we got back from Cuba I switched gears to perform in and serve as a NYC producer on the upcoming film The Farmer and the Belle, the seventh film project I worked on this year. Two of those are the short films about Cuba we're now editing, one is unannounced, and the others were A Matter of Perspective, Felicia's Pledge and One Day.
We're blessed to see that seven films in which I performed made the Top 100 of 2016 for ChristianCinema.com, including the top two. Four of them were mentioned in the opening article. Praise the Lord!
I got an app for tracking my trip mileage, and this year I covered 46,788 miles, almost circling the globe twice, performing and/or teaching in 17 states.
Click here for Facebook's review of our year.
Joyce brought the Christmas Day message at Westchester Chapel, and you can hear it by clicking here.
Joyce just read about a Christian member of congress who said people pray them into office, but then don't pray them through their terms. He said he can tell when people are praying and when they're not. I can tell many of you are praying for us the year round! Thank you so very much!!! Please keep interceding for us... and our leaders.
Though there are now Christmas trees everywhere in Cuba we never thought to have our picture taken next to one! This is as jolly as we got for the camera: Christmas-colored lollipops! |
Views of the Manger photo: Nancy Kronemann Buchanan
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